
Friday, May 25, 2012

Isle of Capri, Italy - Photograph to Art - Digital Editing

Last month on my Facebook page I posted a photo, but before I display that image I want to take a moment to talk about digital editing. Technology these days is always changing, I don't need to tell many of you that what we buy today can be old technology in a week and sometimes less.

Many of us have watched digital photography just explode by leaps and bounds from cameras to software. Besides photography I really enjoy editing photos. I try find new software that is useful to me to make my images different.

Let's take a look at a photo I took many years ago while on the Isle of Capri in Italy.

This image was not taken with a high end camera. It was one of those compact digital cameras. While walking in this area of shops I saw this and thought to take a photo of it. I like the photo as is but I decided to play around with this image to see what I could create. So let's take a look at an edit I made of this image.

Compared to the original, this edit brought out a lot more in the image. I thought to myself that it looked pretty good and I posted this to my Facebook page.

Recently I found a different software that makes photographs artsy. My Grandfather was a magnificent artist. I did not catch that skill in the passing of the genes. What I did get was his ability to photograph and his skills in architecture and engineering drafting.

I have always wanted to learn to take an image like this and create a painting. Well, I simply don't have the time. Nor do I have the talent or patients to create my own art. Thanks to technology though I was able to take the image above and create the following artistic versions.

These images gave me an idea of what an artist could do with my photo. The great thing is that I don't need to be an artist to create these.

The next thing I did was played with the contrast and black levels of the image to create the next image.

Then I brought this image into the software I am testing. The next few images are what I was able to create.

I like how simple editing can change the whole effect of the artistic rendering. To me, this adds to the my ability to enjoy my photography in a whole new light. Who knows, someone might be interested in purchasing this stuff down the road.

I encourage you to take time to experiment with various photo editing software from time to time. You may stumble upon something you will really enjoy.

Enjoy Life, Take Pictures!

BTW ... On Twitter I am @TMSphotos ... I am always willing to connect with photographers. You are also welcome to follow my Blog here. I try to share knowledge, information and experience of my photography.

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